Cerberus Config Components Explained
- Sample Config
- Watch Nodes
- Watch Operators
- Watch Routes
- Watch Master Schedulable Status
- Watch Namespaces
- Watch Terminating Namespaces
- Publish Status
- Inpsect Components
- Custom Checks
Set the components to monitor and the tunings like duration to wait between each check in the config file located at config/config.yaml. A sample config looks like:
distribution: openshift # Distribution can be kubernetes or openshift
kubeconfig_path: /root/.kube/config # Path to kubeconfig
port: 8081 # http server port where cerberus status is published
watch_nodes: True # Set to True for the cerberus to monitor the cluster nodes
watch_cluster_operators: True # Set to True for cerberus to monitor cluster operators
watch_terminating_namespaces: True # Set to True to monitor if any namespaces (set below under 'watch_namespaces' start terminating
# Route url's you want to monitor, this is a double array with the url and optional authorization parameter
watch_master_schedulable: # When enabled checks for the schedulable master nodes with given label.
enabled: True
watch_namespaces: # List of namespaces to be monitored
- openshift-etcd
- openshift-apiserver
- openshift-kube-apiserver
- openshift-monitoring
- openshift-kube-controller-manager
- openshift-machine-api
- openshift-kube-scheduler
- openshift-ingress
- openshift-sdn # When enabled, it will check for the cluster sdn and monitor that namespace
watch_namespaces_ignore_pattern: [] # Ignores pods matching the regex pattern in the namespaces specified under watch_namespaces
cerberus_publish_status: True # When enabled, cerberus starts a light weight http server and publishes the status
inspect_components: False # Enable it only when OpenShift client is supported to run
# When enabled, cerberus collects logs, events and metrics of failed components
prometheus_url: # The prometheus url/route is automatically obtained in case of OpenShift, please set it when the distribution is Kubernetes.
prometheus_bearer_token: # The bearer token is automatically obtained in case of OpenShift, please set it when the distribution is Kubernetes. This is needed to authenticate with prometheus.
# This enables Cerberus to query prometheus and alert on observing high Kube API Server latencies.
slack_integration: False # When enabled, cerberus reports the failed iterations in the slack channel
# The following env vars needs to be set: SLACK_API_TOKEN ( Bot User OAuth Access Token ) and SLACK_CHANNEL ( channel to send notifications in case of failures )
# When slack_integration is enabled, a watcher can be assigned for each day. The watcher of the day is tagged while reporting failures in the slack channel. Values are slack member ID's.
watcher_slack_ID: # (NOTE: Defining the watcher id's is optional and when the watcher slack id's are not defined, the slack_team_alias tag is used if it is set else no tag is used while reporting failures in the slack channel.)
slack_team_alias: # The slack team alias to be tagged while reporting failures in the slack channel when no watcher is assigned
- custom_checks/ # Relative paths of files conataining additional user defined checks
timeout: 20 # Number of seconds before requests fail
iterations: 1 # Iterations to loop before stopping the watch, it will be replaced with infinity when the daemon mode is enabled
sleep_time: 3 # Sleep duration between each iteration
kube_api_request_chunk_size: 250 # Large requests will be broken into the specified chunk size to reduce the load on API server and improve responsiveness.
daemon_mode: True # Iterations are set to infinity which means that the cerberus will monitor the resources forever
cores_usage_percentage: 0.5 # Set the fraction of cores to be used for multiprocessing
database_path: /tmp/cerberus.db # Path where cerberus database needs to be stored
reuse_database: False # When enabled, the database is reused to store the failures
Watch Nodes
This flag returns any nodes where the KernelDeadlock is not set to False and does not have a Ready
Watch Cluster Operators
When watch_cluster_operators
is set to True, this will monitor the degraded status of all the cluster operators and report a failure if any are degraded.
If set to False will not query or report the status of the cluster operators
Watch Routes
This parameter expects a double array with each item having the url and an optional bearer token or authorization for each of the url’s to properly connect
For example:
- - <url>
- <authorization> (optional)
- - https://prometheus-k8s-openshift-monitoring.apps.****
- Bearer ****
- - http://nodejs-mongodb-example-default.apps.****
Watch Master Schedulable Status
When this check is enabled, cerberus queries each of the nodes for the given label and verifies the taint effect does not equal “NoSchedule”
watch_master_schedulable: # When enabled checks for the schedulable master nodes with given label.
enabled: True
label: <label of master nodes>
Watch Namespaces
It supports monitoring pods in any namespaces specified in the config, the watch is enabled for system components mentioned in the config by default as they are critical for running the operations on Kubernetes/OpenShift clusters.
support regex patterns. Any valid regex pattern can be used to watch all the namespaces matching the regex pattern.
For example, ^openshift-.*$
can be used to watch all namespaces that start with openshift-
or openshift
can be used to watch all namespaces that have openshift
in it.
Or you can use ^.*$
to watch all namespaces in your cluster
Watch Terminating Namespaces
When watch_terminating_namespaces
is set to True, this will monitor the status of all the namespaces defind under watch namespaces and report a failure if any are terminating.
If set to False will not query or report the status of the terminating namespaces
Publish Status
Parameter to set if you want to publish the go/no-go signal to the http server
Inspect Components
if set to True will perform an oc adm inspect namespace <namespace>
when any namespace has any failing pods
Custom Checks
Users can add additional checks to monitor components that are not being monitored by Cerberus and consume it as part of the go/no-go signal. This can be accomplished by placing relative paths of files containing additional checks under custom_checks in config file. All the checks should be placed within the main function of the file. If the additional checks need to be considered in determining the go/no-go signal of Cerberus, the main function can return a boolean value for the same. Having a dict return value of the format {‘status’:status, ‘message’:message} shall send signal to Cerberus along with message to be displayed in slack notification. However, it’s optional to return a value.
Refer to example_check for an example custom check file.