Set the supported components to monitor and the tunings like number of iterations to monitor and duration to wait between each check in the config file located at config/config.yaml. A sample config looks like:
distribution: openshift # Distribution can be kubernetes or openshift
kubeconfig_path: ~/.kube/config # Path to kubeconfig
port: 8080 # http server port where cerberus status is published
watch_nodes: True # Set to True for the cerberus to monitor the cluster nodes
watch_cluster_operators: True # Set to True for cerberus to monitor cluster operators. Parameter is optional, will set to True if not specified
watch_url_routes: # Route url's you want to monitor
- - https://...
- Bearer **** # This parameter is optional, specify authorization need for get call to route
- - http://...
watch_master_schedulable: # When enabled checks for the schedulable
enabled: True master nodes with given label.
watch_namespaces: # List of namespaces to be monitored
- openshift-etcd
- openshift-apiserver
- openshift-kube-apiserver
- openshift-monitoring
- openshift-kube-controller-manager
- openshift-machine-api
- openshift-kube-scheduler
- openshift-ingress
- openshift-sdn
cerberus_publish_status: True # When enabled, cerberus starts a light weight http server and publishes the status
inspect_components: False # Enable it only when OpenShift client is supported to run.
# When enabled, cerberus collects logs, events and metrics of failed components
prometheus_url: # The prometheus url/route is automatically obtained in case of OpenShift, please set it when the distribution is Kubernetes.
prometheus_bearer_token: # The bearer token is automatically obtained in case of OpenShift, please set it when the distribution is Kubernetes. This is needed to authenticate with prometheus.
# This enables Cerberus to query prometheus and alert on observing high Kube API Server latencies.
slack_integration: False # When enabled, cerberus reports status of failed iterations in the slack channel
# The following env vars need to be set: SLACK_API_TOKEN ( Bot User OAuth Access Token ) and SLACK_CHANNEL ( channel to send notifications in case of failures )
# When slack_integration is enabled, a watcher can be assigned for each day. The watcher of the day is tagged while reporting failures in the slack channel. Values are slack member ID's.
watcher_slack_ID: # (NOTE: Defining the watcher id's is optional and when the watcher slack id's are not defined, the slack_team_alias tag is used if it is set else no tag is used while reporting failures in the slack channel.)
slack_team_alias: # The slack team alias to be tagged while reporting failures in the slack channel when no watcher is assigned
custom_checks: # Relative paths of files conataining additional user defined checks
- custom_checks/
iterations: 5 # Iterations to loop before stopping the watch, it will be replaced with infinity when the daemon mode is enabled
sleep_time: 60 # Sleep duration between each iteration
kube_api_request_chunk_size: 250 # Large requests will be broken into the specified chunk size to reduce the load on API server and improve responsiveness.
daemon_mode: True # Iterations are set to infinity which means that the cerberus will monitor the resources forever
cores_usage_percentage: 0.5 # Set the fraction of cores to be used for multiprocessing
database_path: /tmp/cerberus.db # Path where cerberus database needs to be stored
reuse_database: False # When enabled, the database is reused to store the failures
watch_namespaces support regex patterns. Any valid regex pattern can be used to watch all the namespaces matching the regex pattern. For example,^openshift-.*$
can be used to watch all namespaces that start with openshift-
or openshift
can be used to watch all namespaces that have openshift
in it.