The following ways are supported to run Kraken:
- Standalone python program through Git.
- Containerized version using either Podman or Docker as the runtime via Krkn-hub
- Kubernetes or OpenShift deployment ( unsupported )
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The following ways are supported to run Kraken:
$ git clone --branch <release version>
$ cd krkn
$ python3.9 -m venv chaos
$ source chaos/bin/activate
$ pip3.9 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3.9 --config <config_file_location>
Krkn-hub is a wrapper that allows running Krkn chaos scenarios via podman or docker runtime with scenario parameters/configuration defined as environment variables.
Hosts container images and wrapper for running scenarios supported by Krkn, a chaos testing tool for Kubernetes clusters to ensure it is resilient to failures. All we need to do is run the containers with the respective environment variables defined as supported by the scenarios without having to maintain and tweak files!
You can use docker or podman to run kraken-hub
Install Podman your certain operating system based on these instructions
Install Docker on your system.
Docker is also supported but all variables you want to set (separate from the defaults) need to be set at the command line In the form -e <VARIABLE>=<value>
You can take advantage of the script to create your parameters string This will take all environment variables and put them in the form “-e =” to make a long string that can get passed to the command
For example: docker run $(./ --net=host -v <path-to-kube-config>:/home/krkn/.kube/config:Z -d
kubectl config view –flatten > ~/kubeconfig && chmod 444 ~/kubeconfig && docker run $(./ –name=<container_name> –net=host -v ~kubeconfig:/home/krkn/.kube/config:Z -d<scenario>