ManagedCluster Scenarios

ManagedCluster scenarios provide a way to integrate kraken with Open Cluster Management (OCM) and Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes (ACM).

ManagedCluster scenarios leverage ManifestWorks to inject faults into the ManagedClusters.

The following ManagedCluster chaos scenarios are supported:

  1. managedcluster_start_scenario: Scenario to start the ManagedCluster instance.
  2. managedcluster_stop_scenario: Scenario to stop the ManagedCluster instance.
  3. managedcluster_stop_start_scenario: Scenario to stop and then start the ManagedCluster instance.
  4. start_klusterlet_scenario: Scenario to start the klusterlet of the ManagedCluster instance.
  5. stop_klusterlet_scenario: Scenario to stop the klusterlet of the ManagedCluster instance.
  6. stop_start_klusterlet_scenario: Scenario to stop and start the klusterlet of the ManagedCluster instance.

ManagedCluster scenarios can be injected by placing the ManagedCluster scenarios config files under managedcluster_scenarios option in the Kraken config. Refer to managedcluster_scenarios_example config file.

  - actions:                                                        # ManagedCluster chaos scenarios to be injected
    - managedcluster_stop_start_scenario
    managedcluster_name: cluster1                                   # ManagedCluster on which scenario has to be injected; can set multiple names separated by comma
    # label_selector:                                               # When managedcluster_name is not specified, a ManagedCluster with matching label_selector is selected for ManagedCluster chaos scenario injection
    instance_count: 1                                               # Number of managedcluster to perform action/select that match the label selector
    runs: 1                                                         # Number of times to inject each scenario under actions (will perform on same ManagedCluster each time)
    timeout: 420                                                    # Duration to wait for completion of ManagedCluster scenario injection
                                                                    # For OCM to detect a ManagedCluster as unavailable, have to wait 5*leaseDurationSeconds
                                                                    # (default leaseDurationSeconds = 60 sec)
  - actions:
    - stop_start_klusterlet_scenario
    managedcluster_name: cluster1
    # label_selector:
    instance_count: 1
    runs: 1
    timeout: 60