All Scenarios Variables

These variables are to be used for the top level configuration template that are shared by all the scenarios

See the description and default values below

Supported parameters

The following environment variables can be set on the host running the container to tweak the scenario/faults being injected:

example: export <parameter_name>=<value>

CERBERUS_ENABLEDSet this to true if cerberus is running and monitoring the clusterFalse
CERBERUS_URLURL to poll for the go/no-go signalhttp://
WAIT_DURATIONDuration in seconds to wait between each chaos scenario60
ITERATIONSNumber of times to execute the scenarios1
DAEMON_MODEIterations are set to infinity which means that the kraken will cause chaos foreverFalse
SIGNAL_ADDRESSAddress to print kraken status to0.0.0.0
PORTPort to print kraken status to8081
SIGNAL_STATEWaits for the RUN signal when set to PAUSE before running the scenarios, refer docs for more detailsRUN
DEPLOY_DASHBOARDSDeploys mutable grafana loaded with dashboards visualizing performance metrics pulled from in-cluster prometheus. The dashboard will be exposed as a route.False
CAPTURE_METRICSCaptures metrics as specified in the profile from in-cluster prometheus. Default metrics captures are listed hereFalse
ENABLE_ALERTSEvaluates expressions from in-cluster prometheus and exits 0 or 1 based on the severity set. Default profile. More details can be found hereFalse
ALERTS_PATHPath to the alerts file to use when ENABLE_ALERTS is setconfig/alerts
CHECK_CRITICAL_ALERTSWhen enabled will check prometheus for critical alerts firing post chaosFalse
TELEMETRY_ENABLEDEnable/disables the telemetry collection featureFalse
TELEMETRY_API_URLtelemetry service endpoint
TELEMETRY_USERNAMEtelemetry service usernameredhat-chaos
TELEMETRY_PROMETHEUS_BACKUPenables/disables prometheus data collectionTrue
TELEMTRY_FULL_PROMETHEUS_BACKUPif is set to False only the /prometheus/wal folder will be downloadedFalse
TELEMETRY_BACKUP_THREADSnumber of telemetry download/upload threads5
TELEMETRY_ARCHIVE_PATHlocal path where the archive files will be temporarly stored/tmp
TELEMETRY_MAX_RETRIESmaximum number of upload retries (if 0 will retry forever)0
TELEMETRY_RUN_TAGif set, this will be appended to the run folder in the bucket (useful to group the runschaos
TELEMETRY_GROUPif set will archive the telemetry in the S3 bucket on a folder named after the valuedefault
TELEMETRY_ARCHIVE_SIZEthe size of the prometheus data archive size in KB. The lower the size of archive is1000
TELEMETRY_LOGS_BACKUPLogs backup to s3False
TELEMETRY_FILTER_PATTERFilter logs based on certain time stamp patterns["(\w{3}\s\d{1,2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+).+",“kinit (\d+/\d+/\d+\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\s+”,"(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+Z).+"]
TELEMETRY_CLI_PATHOC Cli path, if not specified will be search in $PATHblank
ELASTIC_SERVERBe able to track telemtry data in elasticsearch, this is the url of the elasticsearch data storageblank
ELASTIC_INDEXElastic search index pattern to post results toblank