CPU Hog Scenarios using Krkn

To enable this plugin add the pointer to the scenario input file scenarios/arcaflow/cpu-hog/input.yaml as described in the Usage section. This scenario takes a list of objects named input_list with the following properties:

  • kubeconfig : string the kubeconfig needed by the deployer to deploy the sysbench plugin in the target cluster
  • namespace : string the namespace where the scenario container will be deployed Note: this parameter will be automatically filled by kraken if the kubeconfig_path property is correctly set
  • node_selector : key-value map the node label that will be used as nodeSelector by the pod to target a specific cluster node
  • duration : string stop stress test after N seconds. One can also specify the units of time in seconds, minutes, hours, days or years with the suffix s, m, h, d or y.
  • cpu_count : int the number of CPU cores to be used (0 means all)
  • cpu_method : string a fine-grained control of which cpu stressors to use (ackermann, cfloat etc. see manpage for all the cpu_method options)
  • cpu_load_percentage : int the CPU load by percentage

To perform several load tests in the same run simultaneously (eg. stress two or more nodes in the same run) add another item to the input_list with the same properties (and eventually different values eg. different node_selectors to schedule the pod on different nodes). To reduce (or increase) the parallelism change the value parallelism in workload.yaml file


To enable arcaflow scenarios edit the kraken config file, go to the section kraken -> chaos_scenarios of the yaml structure and add a new element to the list named arcaflow_scenarios then add the desired scenario pointing to the input.yaml file.

        - arcaflow_scenarios:
            - scenarios/arcaflow/cpu-hog/input.yaml


The implemented scenarios can be found in scenarios/arcaflow/<scenario_name> folder. The entrypoint of each scenario is the input.yaml file. In this file there are all the options to set up the scenario accordingly to the desired target


The arcaflow config file. Here you can set the arcaflow deployer and the arcaflow log level. The supported deployers are:

  • Docker
  • Podman (podman daemon not needed, suggested option)
  • Kubernetes

The supported log levels are:

  • debug
  • info
  • warning
  • error


This file contains the steps that will be executed to perform the scenario against the target. Each step is represented by a container that will be executed from the deployer and its options. Note that we provide the scenarios as a template, but they can be manipulated to define more complex workflows. To have more details regarding the arcaflow workflows architecture and syntax it is suggested to refer to the Arcaflow Documentation.

This edit is no longer in quay image Working on fix in ticket: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CHAOS-494 This will effect all versions 4.12 and higher of OpenShift