Power Outage Scenario using Krkn-Hub

This scenario shuts down Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster for the specified duration to simulate power outages, brings it back online and checks if it’s healthy. More information can be found here

Right now power outage and cluster shutdown are one in the same. We originally created this scenario to stop all the nodes and then start them back up how a customer would shut their cluster down.

In a real life chaos scenario though, we figured this scenario was close to if the power went out on the aws side so all of our ec2 nodes would be stopped/powered off. We tried to look at if aws cli had a way to forcefully poweroff the nodes (not gracefully) and they don’t currently support so this scenario is as close as we can get to “pulling the plug”


If enabling Cerberus to monitor the cluster and pass/fail the scenario post chaos, refer docs. Make sure to start it before injecting the chaos and set CERBERUS_ENABLED environment variable for the chaos injection container to autoconnect.

$ podman run --name=<container_name> --net=host --env-host=true -v <path-to-kube-config>:/home/krkn/.kube/config:Z -d quay.io/krkn-chaos/krkn-hub:power-outages
$ podman logs -f <container_name or container_id> # Streams Kraken logs
$ podman inspect <container-name or container-id> --format "{{.State.ExitCode}}" # Outputs exit code which can considered as pass/fail for the scenario
$ docker run $(./get_docker_params.sh) --name=<container_name> --net=host -v <path-to-kube-config>:/home/krkn/.kube/config:Z -d quay.io/krkn-chaos/krkn-hub:power-outages
$ docker run -e <VARIABLE>=<value> --name=<container_name> --net=host -v <path-to-kube-config>:/home/krkn/.kube/config:Z -d quay.io/krkn-chaos/krkn-hub:power-outages

$ docker logs -f <container_name or container_id> # Streams Kraken logs
$ docker inspect <container-name or container-id> --format "{{.State.ExitCode}}" # Outputs exit code which can considered as pass/fail for the scenario

Supported parameters

The following environment variables can be set on the host running the container to tweak the scenario/faults being injected:

example: export <parameter_name>=<value>

See list of variables that apply to all scenarios here that can be used/set in addition to these scenario specific variables

SHUTDOWN_DURATIONDuration in seconds to shut down the cluster1200
CLOUD_TYPECloud platform on top of which cluster is running, supported cloud platformsaws
TIMEOUTTime in seconds to wait for each node to be stopped or running after the cluster comes back600

The following environment variables need to be set for the scenarios that requires intereacting with the cloud platform API to perform the actions:

Amazon Web Services

$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<>

Google Cloud Platform








For example:

$ podman run --name=<container_name> --net=host --env-host=true -v <path-to-custom-metrics-profile>:/home/krkn/kraken/config/metrics-aggregated.yaml -v <path-to-custom-alerts-profile>:/home/krkn/kraken/config/alerts -v <path-to-kube-config>:/home/krkn/.kube/config:Z -d quay.io/krkn-chaos/krkn-hub:container-scenarios


You can find a link to a demo of the scenario here