PVC Scenario using Krkn-Hub

This scenario fills up a given PersistenVolumeClaim by creating a temp file on the PVC from a pod associated with it. The purpose of this scenario is to fill up a volume to understand faults cause by the application using this volume. For more information refer the following documentation.


If enabling Cerberus to monitor the cluster and pass/fail the scenario post chaos, refer docs. Make sure to start it before injecting the chaos and set CERBERUS_ENABLED environment variable for the chaos injection container to autoconnect.

$ podman run --name=<container_name> --net=host --env-host=true -v <path-to-kube-config>:/home/krkn/.kube/config:Z -d quay.io/krkn-chaos/krkn-hub:pvc-scenarios
$ podman logs -f <container_name or container_id> # Streams Kraken logs
$ podman inspect <container-name or container-id> --format "{{.State.ExitCode}}" # Outputs exit code which can considered as pass/fail for the scenario
$ docker run $(./get_docker_params.sh) --name=<container_name> --net=host -v <path-to-kube-config>:/home/krkn/.kube/config:Z -d quay.io/krkn-chaos/krkn-hub:pvc-scenarios
$ docker run -e <VARIABLE>=<value> --name=<container_name> --net=host -v <path-to-kube-config>:/home/krkn/.kube/config:Z -d quay.io/krkn-chaos/krkn-hub:pvc-scenarios

$ docker logs -f <container_name or container_id> # Streams Kraken logs
$ docker inspect <container-name or container-id> --format "{{.State.ExitCode}}" # Outputs exit code which can considered as pass/fail for the scenario

Supported parameters

The following environment variables can be set on the host running the container to tweak the scenario/faults being injected:

example: export <parameter_name>=<value>

If both PVC_NAME and POD_NAME are defined, POD_NAME value will be overridden from the Mounted By: value on PVC definition.

See list of variables that apply to all scenarios here that can be used/set in addition to these scenario specific variables

PVC_NAMETargeted PersistentVolumeClaim in the cluster (if null, POD_NAME is required)
POD_NAMETargeted pod in the cluster (if null, PVC_NAME is required)
NAMESPACETargeted namespace in the cluster (required)
FILL_PERCENTAGETargeted percentage to be filled up in the PVC50
DURATIONDuration in seconds with the PVC filled up60

For example:

$ podman run --name=<container_name> --net=host --env-host=true -v <path-to-custom-metrics-profile>:/home/krkn/kraken/config/metrics-aggregated.yaml -v <path-to-custom-alerts-profile>:/home/krkn/kraken/config/alerts -v <path-to-kube-config>:/home/krkn/.kube/config:Z -d quay.io/krkn-chaos/krkn-hub:pvc-scenarios