Time Scenarios using Krkn

Configuration Options:

action: skew_time or skew_date.

object_type: pod or node.

namespace: namespace of the pods you want to skew. Needs to be set if setting a specific pod name.

label_selector: Label on the nodes or pods you want to skew.

container_name: Container name in pod you want to reset time on. If left blank it will randomly select one.

object_name: List of the names of pods or nodes you want to skew.

Refer to time_scenarios_example config file.

  - action: skew_time
    object_type: pod
      - apiserver-868595fcbb-6qnsc
      - apiserver-868595fcbb-mb9j5
    namespace: openshift-apiserver
    container_name: openshift-apiserver
  - action: skew_date
    object_type: node
    label_selector: node-role.kubernetes.io/worker